Affectionate Embrace Bouquet
Celebrate love without breaking the bank with our Affectionate Embrace Bouquet from Whittlesea Flowers & Bears. This beautifully curated bouquet offers a blend of passion and sophistication, featuring rich red roses, vibrant red lilies, and delicate white astilbe, all wrapped in a luxurious burgundy paper with a black ribbon. Perfect for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, or any romantic occasion, this bouquet is priced to provide an affordable yet elegant gesture of love.
Blush of Romance Bouquet
Indulge in the romance with our Blush of Romance Bouquet from Whittlesea Flowers & Bears. This enchanting arrangement features a harmonious blend of soft pink roses, delicate pink lilies, charming gerbera daisies, and elegant white snapdragons, all accented with lush greenery and a magnificent white chrysanthemum at the center. Presented in a charming pink box with a matching ribbon, this bouquet is perfect for expressing love, appreciation, or celebrating special occasions like Valentine’s Day or anniversaries. The pastel tones and beautiful variety of flowers create a bouquet that speaks the language of love.
Love’s Harmony Bouquet
Express your love with the Love’s Harmony Bouquet from Whittlesea Flowers & Bears. This beautiful arrangement combines the classic romance of red roses with the elegance of white lilies and lush eucalyptus foliage, all wrapped in a stylish white and black patterned paper with a matching ribbon. Perfect for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, or any moment you want to convey deep affection, this bouquet is a harmonious blend of passion and purity.